Wednesday, March 30, 2011

40 Days of Sacrifice

Somebody get me a soda...PLEASE!

Mountain Dew. Cherry Dr. Pepper. Really cold can of Coke.

These are what I dream about at night.

It all started when I decided to give Jenny Craig a try. I wanted to lose a few pounds. I am not the most disciplined person out there, but I did get my soda intake to twice a week.

Then Good Friday rolled around and I decided to go ahead and give it up. My true vice in the world. I know it is not a real sacrifice, especially when you compare it to Jesus' sacrifice. I get it. But my devotion to my Catholic roots is not as strong as some and to be honest, Lent is the last thing I hold on to. So out went soda and meat on Fridays. How does one say ugh in a blog that really conveys my true discontent?


On the flip side, my dear friend is sticking with her sacrifice and giving up the facebook addiction. I think she is even finding out about others' addictions in facing hers head on. Hell she is even making me look at my own addiction.

Maybe that will be next status update.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's back to school I go

After attending a writing conference this past week, I have decided I need to go back to school. I need to be among my people. I need to write.

In no way, shape, or form do I think I am a phenomenal writer. I am not even sure I am mediocre. I just know that I need to do this to fulfill something that is missing in my life. And it is not the degree that is going to fulfill me, but the academia and all the things that come along with it.

So I thought if I proclaimed my new goal to all the world wide web, I would be more apt to actually get my butt in gear.

Grad school Fall 2011 or bust...let's just hope I don't bust.

PS- Later I will be "publishing" my travel writing from the workshop. Stay tuned.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

(Smack! Smack!) I. Can't. Find. A. Vein. (Smack! Smack!)

So I have a friend who is an addict. In fact, her latest blog is on this very topic. But she has quit...almost cold turkey.

As she talks about giving up Facebook for lent, all I can do is commend her vigorously. Some people give her a hard time for still getting on for 5 minutes a day, but C'MON! Could you turn off the smack for 40 days and nights? I mean it is a known fact, or at least quote by an actor in The Social Network, that 91% of people who log on, come back.

I come back. And back. And back again. Sometimes all in the same 5 minutes depending what is going on in my life.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not Lindsey Lohan status...yet. I don't need FB Rehab in the Hollywood Hills. I can go on a cruise and not pay for Wi-fi to check or update my status and photos, but you can be darn skippy that the FIRST moment we dock back in the states, I will be catching up on all the stauses I missed.

So here I sit and I am already thinkin' about next year and if I could give up the addiction for 57,400 minutes (granted I give myself 5 minutes a day). Will I dream about my first status following Easter day? Will I start writing other Facebook regulars' statuses in my head.

Jennifer E.S.: Need coffee now.

Naomi S: Amanda is the bestest friend in the whole wide world.

Tiffany M.F.: I have the best Pampered Chef deal for you yet.

(Okay, so one of those might not be a real depiction of an actual Facebook status).

I think I am going to wait and see how Amber does. It is Day 2 and she has already called me about "How disconnected from the world she is."

That being said, she is strong willed and loves to prove people wrong when they doubt her.

That also being said, I am a weak human being and love my facebook time.