Friday, January 28, 2011

Who am I to Judge?

I have an ugly confession...


I know, I know, we all are, but it isn't until very recently, that I realized how judgy I can be.

But before I start this blog, I must apologize in advance because I am sure that I am going to offend someone and for that I am sorry in advance.

As many of you know (and if you don't you must not have read my other posts), I am a teacher of the up and coming generation. While sometimes I wish that I taught the 7 year olds, I teach the 14-20 year olds...which means I have a plethera things to judge.

By the way, stay with me, I promise this post is not really about my job.

Anyways, as I was saying, I teach teenagers and with this means I sometimes teach teenager who are themselves having babies. It is a sad situation and I never really know what to say when I get the news. I never say Congratulations because I refuse to condone it, but at the same time I never put them down. The deed is done and now they just need to know that I believe in them and that I know if they work really hard they can still complete their education.

This is where the judgement comes in: Secretly I am angry with them. I know they will not be the true parent to that child. In very few cases do I hear about that teenager and her partner in crime being full time parents AND full time students. Yet, here I am expected to be full time mommy and teacher. Many of these kids (and no, not all) will never know what it is truly like to have to truly sacrifice. Often, their mom will take over many of the responsibilities and those babies often grow up only to repeat the cycle. This infuriates me. Until today...

As I sit here and mull over being a "single parent" for the next few weeks, I realize how blessed I am to have my mommy and daddy to step in, to babysit, to make a meal once in a while, to...whatever. I have never had to do what I do myself... The one time I did have to, kinda, was when I lived in Florida for a year. I was by myself with no help from mommy and daddy, but at the same time, I didn't work and I think I attended 10 social events without my daughter. (2 of them were with my hubby when my MOM came in town.)

HELL not only does my mom help with the Bug, but on Wednesday she is picking up my whitening trays at the dentist, and today she paid for me to get my brows threaded (which hurt like I don't know what!) So maybe the hubs and I are the Bug's support system, but my parents are ours. And that is okay.

So mom and may never read this, but I want to send out a virtual hug, kiss, and thank you. You can never realize how much better parents you let us be by being there for us.

And as for the babies out there having babies: know that it is okay to ask for help, but be truly grateful for it. Rise to the occasion of being the parent and know that the commitment is life long...on both ends.

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